Ryan Dixon

I have been teaching Yoga for 10 years and practicing for 15 years. I trained at the Mandala Yoga Ashram and have since gravitated towards Scaravelli inspired and Somatics based approaches. I also lead participatory music sessions which you can find out about here.

British Wheel of Yoga Certified Yoga Teacher (2014)

Mandala Yoga Ashram Certified Yoga Teacher (2014)

Irest® Yoga Nidra Meditation Certified Teacher (2022)

Singing for the Brain Facilitator ™ (2019)

Yoga Experiences and Qualifications

I completed the 500 hour comprehensive British Wheel of Yoga teacher training at The Mandala Yoga Ashram in July 2014. This training offered a very detailed look at authentic yoga, including Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, cleansing practices and chanting.

I am also a Certified Irest® Meditation teacher. Irest ® offers a unique, modern and accessible approach to Meditation and Yoga Nidra that harnesses the wisdom of non-dualistic practices and philosophies.

Since qualifying to teach Yoga, I have been committed to furthering my knowledge by training with various Scaravelli Inspired Yoga teachers, Somatics teachers. My personal practice involves being inquisitive and listening to the needs of my body and includes Posture Practice, Pranayama, Meditation and Yoga Nidra.

I am interested in and respectful to the fascinating roots and history of Yoga whilst being open to its evolution and adaption.

For enquiries about courses, workshops, retreats or private tuition, please contact me at yoga@ryandixon.co.uk